Friday, February 8, 2008

Tips: Bubur Ayam Yang Lembut

Untuk bubur ayam yang hasil akhirnya lembut, tambahkan 1-2 sendok makan tepung beras yang telah diencerkan dengan air hangat ke dalam bubur ayam yang sudah hampir jadi. Aduk rata. Setelah kekentalan bubur ayam yang diinginkan tercapai, hidangkan segera.


Suldog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MeGEO said...

I have no idea about this site however the comment on;

has been replied to. GEO.

Suldog said...

Nama - I recall being in a flame war with an anonymous someone at the time of the above comment, and my tracking of them led me to this site. If you are NOT that person, my sincerest apologies. If you ARE that person, even though I have removed the comment, it still conveys my sincerest feelings.

Anonymous said...